Gas chromatograph Chromatec Crystall-5000 and UniChrom
Gas chromatographs "Crystall-5000" is one of the most modern and attractive instruments on world market.
On the russian market this instrument is simply the best.
Producer: JSC SDB "Chromatec"
Electronic flow, pressure, temperature regulation ether as proper design and robust components make this instrument the right choice. This model supersedes the previous Crystall-2000M. There are major improvements which made this instrument a best choice among PE Clarus-500 and CE Trace-2000. Since it is chromatograph of similar class, it have price more than twice less than mentioned instrument with same or better characteristics.
Installation manual: Crystall 5000.1, 5000.2, 2000M (PM2) and UniChrom (RUS) (PDF)
Highlights - Up to 4 detectors FID, TCD, PID, FPD, NPD, ECD.
- Easily to mount / unmount detectors, injectors and gas tubing.
- The instrument has new attractive design and rugged box construction
- Six electronic gas control channels (nine in newer model), each can be configured in flow / pressure / velocity mode.
- Nearly all gas controller can perform ramped program for flow / pressure / velocity.
- High heating speed for oven, injectors and detectors.
- All heating zones can be ramp programmed.
- Easy access to gas tubing.
- Full configuration of the instrument either from keyboard as from software.
- Data sampling rate from 10 to 250 Hz in each of 4 channels.
- Autosampler for 14 vials.
- All new and legacy peripherals are supported.
- Newer model (top-left) feature LAN connection and up to 9 flow control channels.
Limitations - Small autosampler. It is possible to replace with HTA-300 sampler.
UniChrom specific
Gas chromatographs "Crystall-5000" can be connected
to PC via serial port or USB link. UniChrom
drivers supports several such devices (up to 16)
simultaneously. UniChrom provides full remote control for that
device either for thermo and pneumatic channels.
Instruments can be equipped with accessories: automatic liquid
sampler, automatic gas sampler, thermodesorber, headspace analyser,
liquefied gas sampling device etc.
Since the instrument has the same configuration
model as Agilent HP-6890 , the zone
remapping, which is typical for instruments with limited number of
gas regulator, is not required, but still possible. Driver is supported on platforms
- Windows (32,64)
- Linux (32,64)
This instrument driver is designed as "Networked