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Gas chromatograph simulator GC-Sim
This device itself is a program model of instrument like HP-6890. Number of heating control zones and flow control zones correspond to 6890. Using the simulator it is possible to learn the capabilities of UniChrom system, take over full method cycle on virtual instrument. Chromatograms being simulated by driver are the superposition of Gaussian peaks with different width and height and also small noise component addition. At these chromatogram is possible to learn peak detection algorithm possibilities, data smoothing and other data processing methods. External start of instrument is made using simultaneous left and right Ctrl button pressing. There is another way of this instrument usage - training of new employees for familiarisation with system capabilities and services. Set up the driver GC-Sim with the help of the Configuration Editor, and have fun. * None of cats have been injured during development. It means a porcelain cat from very fun movie "Operation Y or another Shurik's adventures" by L.Gaidai. |