UniChrom tm
is fully automated Chromatographic Data System,
dedicated to simplify hard, routine work of Chemist,
dealing in a field of Gas and Liquid Chromatography. |
This page is dedicated entirely UniChrom for Linux development.
The new generation UniChrom V, due to its architecture allows
separate form development and new mechanism of events delivery.
So it made possible project migration to Kylix /QT without re-engineering
the projects.
Currently the project reached Beta stage. The installation now can be Downloaded.
Screenshots of UniChrom for Linux in chronological order
August 31, 2005
is the first shot of UniChrom for Linux test application.
Favourite GNU / Debian
Linux 3.1 (Sarge)
Kernel 2.4.27.
KDE 3.3
Two drivers were loaded: SampADC and GC-Sim.
Three method files were opened. The leftmost one window is
being measuring Data from GC-Sim test driver.
Over 95% of nonvisual code made portable.
Initial suppositions about troubles in driver migration actually show that Instrument driver easily converted to Linux. This can be done because basic OS primitives are the same in sense but called differently. The first driver migrated was SampADC sample driver from the UniChrom DDK. Next the GC-Sim was migrated. The rest mainstream drivers are awaiting Communication layer library fully tested and approved.
12, 2005
The second screenshot. UniChrom V basics are visible: task switcher
at the left. In the top-left corner of each MDI window there is
Layer navigator.
The coloured window above others - the built-in console for app/driver
debug and other info messages. UniChrom duplicates its own STDOUT
to this window
Favourite GNU / Debian
Linux 3.1 (Sarge)
P4 with Hyperthreading
Uname: Linux hostname 2.6.8-2-686-smp #1 SMP Thu May 19 17:27:55
JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
KDE 3.3
X-Server - Cygwin running on Win-2000.
Borland CLX is !@#$%!!!!!!!!!
Current status
Communication Layer Almost Done. The first driver actually working with hardware under Linux was E-24 serial ADC. The Agilent 6890N / HP-6890 driver was successfully compiled and tested in model environment (who gives us their own HP for testing :o)).
Anyway the propositions about 6890N would be gratefully considered.
- Most popular driver migration.
- Migrate other screen forms.
Current mechanism of file converter invocation have to be reworked. Done and tested with HP chromatography data file converter (*.ch).
Hard problems with report generation.
The devil is not as evil as it generally painted :o
March 10, Just before AnalyticaExpo-2006.
The third screenshoot. The Peak table is nearly done and peak information window ready. Chromatogram shows lots of chromatogram layers. Peak contour is filled with green colour.
As was before. |
July 13, 2006 - 32 deg C outside.
The 4-th screenshoot. Most of the forms accurately redesigned with new powerful unicode grid control.
Virtual machine -
Linux devhost 2.4.27-2-686 #1 Wed Aug 17 10:34:09 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
AIA/NetCDF (ANDI Chromatography) file converter successfully ported to GCC. This file converter would be included with sources in UniChrom DDK. UniChrom 4 Linux reads and writes AIA files.
HP Chemstation file converter ported to linux.
GC control form not fully ported but successfully receives updates from REAL GC "Crystall-5000"
Calibration table successfully ported. All control and graphs are in-place, See the calibration curve for relative response of water in ethanol. (Analysis sample can be found in Solutions) Relative response factor is the first coefficient of equation, seen on the graph.
GLP log is working. :oE - Nobody would hide the changes of experimental data. |
November, 27, 2006 - What the UniChrom-V is?
This is UniChrom-V for Linux, many thanks to people, who did Qt3Clx (great work).
Virtual machine Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch)-
Linux devhost 2.6.17-2-686 #1
unfortunately libqtc.so (Qt3Clx wrapper) works only on Qt3.3.4 or greater. Sarge is unsupported.
Nice-looking Qt3 native Linux Application, sharing common concept, file formats, look and feel with Windows version.
The report generation is nearly done, the devil not only painted but printed with acceptable dpi. Please forgive for non-sense peak names in Greek and Chinese. That is a UNICODE test only.
Current problems :
- Placing HTML to clipboard instead of plaintext (how that Qt clipboards work?).
- Resource .so files for other languages. It seems that Borland resbind extract resources misaligned, so our windoze resource translator fails on extracting them.
- Update UniChrom DDK with Linux samples.
- Next biggest steps awaiting us - building the user-friendly installation and years of bugfix and support.
December 5, 2006 - UniChrom V for Linux testcase

Virtual machine Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch)-
Linux devhost 2.6.17-2-686 #1
The page layout with three different views: GLP log, Chromatogram, Calibration |
as before
The report generator page with 4 calibrations and GLP log |
as before
The German version. Finally our resource translator is working with Kylix-generated resources.
devhost$ LANG=de_DE ./ulnx |
Next Step
QtClx shows completely unusable behaviour. Three layers of wrappers around GUI = VisualCLX + QtClx + Qt + XWindows work not as good as expected.
Due to significant increase of functionality level in Lazarus CCR project and Free Pascal Compiler it was decided to move the UniChrom to Lazarus land.
The prototype of application is built under 32-bit windows and 64-bit linux without modification of source code. Lazarus motto - "write once - compile everywhere" somehow works.
amd64 Debian GNU/Linux |
Windows 5.2 (32bit) |
The prototype applications works on amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0.
The only lack of features, visible on screen - peak names are not rotated by 90 degree.
November 2008, Next step
x86_64 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 |
Windows 5.2 (32bit) |
Seems to be all is OK with peak names. Waiting GTK2 widgetset to come from beta stage.
February 2009, get ready for the future
Windows 32-bit |
Linux 64-bit |
Reporting seems to work OK. Lazarus CUPS printing implementation is wrong. In TODO list.
June 2009, moving forward
Data processing works in X-platform way.
E-24 ADC works
GC-Sim works
Internal Reporting works
External applications reports (like Word and Excel) still not implemented.
OLE/COM - nonsence in X-platform world. Should we implement XML RPC!? |
August 2009, Summer is Over
64-bit UniChrom for Linux version loads complex LC/UV pesticide chromatogram from Agilent 1100 (4 analytical signals + UV spectra) |
64-bit UniChrom for Linux version loads GC/MS sample file in AIA/NetCDF format. |
Localization engine is in progress. Sample report (in russian only) generated to CUPS-PDF.
April 2013, OpenGL for LC/UV data visualization
Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (Wheezy)
5-wavelength chromatogram + spectra from Agilent/HP HPLC example.
DAD A, Sig=230,4 Ref=750,20
DAD B, Sig=350,50 Ref=750,20
DAD C, Sig=500,200 Ref=750,20
DAD D, Sig=600,300 Ref=750,20
DAD E, Sig=650,60 Ref=750,20
Shown the spectra matrix. Color corresponds to wavelength
range. |
December 2013, Moving to new location - far from city

You would laugh - but this is MacOS/X 10.5 running
UniChrom which is talking to Agilent
7890 emulator. Indeed it works.
Work environment:
Virtualbox running MacOS/X 10.5 (hackintosh)
UniChrom 5.1 beta (i386-carbon) |